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The Inspired StoriesThe Inspired Stories

Your Personal Mission Statement

Keeping your goals visible can be a powerful source of motivation. That’s why we’ve included goal-setting and a mood board in the first pages of our Planners. Reviewing my goals daily pushes me to take small steps toward achieving them, no matter how tiny they seem.

Recently, I watched Tony Robbins: I’m Not Your Guru on Netflix, where the concept of a “personal mission statement” caught my attention. After some research, I realized how valuable this tool is for staying focused and aligned with your core values. It acts as a promise to live with intention and a reminder to stay on track.

In this post, I’ll share why a personal mission statement is important, how to create one, and how you can use it daily. Plus, we’ve included a special gift to help you get started right away!


Why Create a Personal Mission Statement?

Stephen Covey once said, “A personal mission statement becomes the DNA for every other decision you make.” Like creating a vision board (check out our guide [here]), writing a personal mission statement is a mindful exercise that helps you clarify your thoughts and understand yourself better.

Once you craft it, your mission statement becomes a personalised motivator—reminding you of your values, dreams, and purpose, helping you stay focused.


How to Create a Personal Mission Statement

  1. Discover Yourself: Identify your core values, passions, and top life goals. Reflect on what excites you, and think about what you want to achieve in your lifetime.

  2. Imagine Your Future Self: Visualize the person you want to become. How do you want others to describe you? Consider the different roles you play and the qualities you want to embody.

  3. Draw Inspiration: Think of someone who inspires you—whether it’s a friend, family member, or public figure. Write down their qualities and mindset, then explore how you can apply these traits in your life.

Tip: Keep your mission statement short, confident (“I am…”), and emotionally connected to your goals. Make it a daily mantra that reflects your values and aspirations.


How to Use It

Creating a personal mission statement takes time, but it’s worth the effort. Once you’re satisfied with it, make it visible—frame it, write it in your diary, or set it as your phone wallpaper. Use it as a guiding principle when making decisions and aligning your actions with your values.


A Little Gift for You

To help you get started, we’ve created FREE WORKSHEETS that guide you through the process of creating your personal mission statement. Sign up to our Newsletter to download them for free.

Thank you for reading! Let us know in the comments if you’ve ever created a personal mission statement and share your tips for staying motivated. We love hearing from you!

With love,
xx Zané & The Inspired Stories Team



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